Human dirofilariosis of buccal mucosa - First molecularly confirmed case and literature review

Autor: Suzana Tasić-Otašević, Stefan Momčilović, Milan Golubović, Simona Gabrielli, Saša Đenić, Tanja Smilić, Marina Ranđelović, Miljan Krstić
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Parasitology international. 73
ISSN: 1873-0329
Popis: When presented in unusual manner, human dirofilariosis is hard to recognize and often leads to misdiagnosis and unjustified use of various medications. Herein, we report a rare case of Dirofilaria infection localized in buccal mucosa. A 45-year-old male, residing in the Central Serbia, developed striking edema of buccal mucosa followed by leucocytosis, with both neutrophylia and eosinophylia. Thirty days after first symptoms occurred, nodule was formed along the lateral edge of right maxilla. Therefore, patient underwent surgical extirpation and subsequent histopathological analysis of the specimen revealed the presence of a nematode. Based on morphological characteristics of detected parasite, the diagnosis of submucosal Dirofilaria repens-like infection was made. The diagnosis was confirmed, being the first case in the world analyzed by molecular methods. So far, only 13 such cases have been reported worldwide and our paper brings attention to rare form of this zoonosis and updates the data about human dirofilariosis in buccal mucosa.
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