ORNL Long-Range Environmental and Waste Management Plan: Program overview and summary

Autor: L.D. Bates, J.B. Berry, G.E. Butterworth, S.P. III du Mont, C.A. Easterday, A.H. Geisler, L.G. Hill, C.M. Kendrick, L.E. McNeese, T.E. Myrick, R.E. Pudelek, P.S. Rohwer, T.F. Scanlan, L.E. Stratton, J.R. Trabalka, E.L. Youngblood
Rok vydání: 1987
Popis: The primary purpose is to provide a thorough and systematic planning document to reflect the continuing process of site assessment, strategy development, and planning for the current and long-term control of environmental issues, waste management practices, and remedial action requirments. The document also provides an estimate of the resources required to implenent the current plan. As with any document of this nature, the near-term (one to three years) part of the plan is a realistic assessment of the current program and ongoing capital projects and relects the efforts preceived to be necesary to comply with all current state and federal regulations and DOE orders. It also should be in general agreement with current budget (funding) requests and obligations for these immediate years. Beyond the immediate time frame, the document reflects the strategy and the project and funding estimates as a snapshot at the time of publication. 15 figs., 10 tabs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE