Provjera faktorske strukture hrvatske verzije Upitnika suočavanja parova sa stresom u partnerskom odnosu

Autor: Maja Laklija, Slavica Blažeka Kokorić, Antun Volenik
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Obnovljeni Život : časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti
Volume 78.
Issue 1.
ISSN: 1849-0182
Popis: Cilj je rada provjeriti faktorsku strukturu i metrijske karakteristike hrvatske verzije Upitnika suočavanja parova sa stresom u partnerskom odnosu (Dyadic Coping Inventory), prema Bodenmannu. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 245 sudionika zaručničkoga tečaja. Dobivena je osmofaktorska struktura upitnika. S obzirom na to da ekstrahirani faktori nisu u potpunosti podudarni s faktorskom strukturom originalnoga upitnika, dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na određene specifičnosti u primjeni hrvatske verzije upitnika, a treba ih sagledati i u kontekstu specifičnih obilježja uzorka ovoga istraživanja. Provjera metrijskih karakteristika pokazala je zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost dobivenih subskala i mogućnost daljnje primjene navedenoga instrumenta.
The aim of this paper is to check the factor structure and metric characteristics of the Croatian version of the questionnaire, Dyadic Coping Inventory (Bodenmann, 2008). The research was conducted on a sample of 245 persons who attended a pre–marriage course as an integral part of preparation for the sacrament of marriage within the Catholic Church. Factor analysis was used in the data analysis. A structure of eight factors was obtained: “Experience of togetherness and satisfaction with mutual partner’s support”, “Supportive behaviour of partner in situations of personal exposure to stress”, “Own non–supportive behaviour towards partner”, “Open expression of personal expectations and needs for support from partner”, “Non–supportive behaviour of partner in situations of personal exposure to stress”, “Partner’s open expression of expectations and needs for support”, “Active listening and support to partner in finding solutions” and “Taking partners tasks to relieve partner”. Verification of the metric characteristics has shown a satisfactory reliability of the sub–scales obtained and the possibility of further application of this questionnaire. Given that the extracted sub–scales are not fully matched to the factor structure of the original questionnaire, the results obtained point to certain specifics in the application of the Croatian version of this questionnaire.
Databáze: OpenAIRE