Autor: Sreedevi T, Naga Raghunandan Thota, Muralidhar H, Nagaraja V. T
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, Vol 4, Iss 19, Pp 1116-1118 (2017)
ISSN: 2349-2570
Popis: BACKGROUND One of the most common causes of fever with back pain in India is brucellosis along with tuberculosis infection of the spinal cord and vertebral column. Brucellosis is a multisystem infection with a broad-spectrum of clinical presentations. Its nervous system involvement is known as neurobrucellosis is complication of brucellosis occurring in 0 to 25% and can present as meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis-radiculoneuritis, brain abscess, peripheral neuropathy and psychosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this case study, we present a 54-year-old male patient a cattle worker with unexplained back pain. Appropriate blood investigations, CSF analysis and MRI scan were taken towards the cause of the diagnosis. RESULTS CSF analysis showed lymphocyte pleocytosis with agglutination in Rose Bengal test. MRI diagnostic of neurobrucellosis revealed anterosuperior osteophyte inflammations, namely Pedro Pons’ sign or Pom’s sign. CONCLUSION Through this case report, we would like to notify that neurobrucellosis should be considered as one of the differential diagnosis and not to be missed as it is treatable. In such conditions, patient has to be treated with two or more antimicrobials such as rifampicin, co-trimoxazole and doxycycline in order to achieve complete cure rate and to prevent relapse.
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