Dinoponera quadriceps Kempf 1971
Autor: | Dias, Amanda Martins, Lattke, John Edwin |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
ISSN: | 0892-7014 |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.5799561 |
Popis: | Dinoponera quadriceps Kempf, 1971 Figs 25���26, 29B Dinoponera quadriceps Kempf, 1971: 380, figs 5, 13���16 (���). Dinoponera opaca Kempf, 1971: 379 (���). Dinoponera quadriceps ��� Mann 1916: 409. ��� Borgmeier 1937: 226 (male description). ��� Lenhart, Dash & Mackay 2013: 149, figs 4b, g, l, 5a, 6a, 10a, 11a, 12b (redescription, key, male genitals). ��� Tozetto & Lattke 2020: 5, figs 2���3, 6 (male genitals). Dinoponera opaca ��� Kempf 1975: 344 (junior synonym of D. quadriceps). Non Dinoponera grandis mutica quadriceps ��� Santschi 1921: 84 (invalid name). Non Dinoponera grandis mutica opaca ��� Santschi 1921: 84 (invalid name). Diagnosis Female Malar area without striae or with weak longitudinal to oblique striae that do not reach anterior eye margin. Ventral head surface without strigulae. Head with short to inconspicuous pubescence. Anteroventral corner of pronotum in lateral view forms an obtuse angle. Abdominal tergite III microareolate and opaque, with sparse pubescence on dorsum. Male Antenna with long suberect to erect hairs, clearly longer than maximum scape diameter. Mesoscutum without notaulus. Gastral tergites without long hairs. In lateral view, dorsal margin of basal ring broadly concave to straight. Material examined Non-type specimens (200 ������, 17 ♂♂) BRAZIL ��� Bahia ��� 1 ���; Aramari, ex Distrito de Alagoinhas; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Banza��; 10��34���37��� S, 38��36���54��� W; Mar. 2009; M.D. Dantas leg.; 01; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Barragem de Anag�� [Amaj��s]; 19 Oct. 1996; Arg��ro Santos leg.; 5126; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Barreiras, Serra do Mimo; 5 Aug. 2010; S. Souza and B. Santos leg.; #5657; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Bendeg��, pr��x. Canudos; 19���22 Nov. 1965; Exp. DZ Fapesp leg.; MZSP ��� 2 ������; Lapa [Bom Jesus da Lapa]; 1 Dec. 1948; Gon��alves leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Bonfim; 6 Dec. 1948; C.R. Gon��alves leg.; ���Let OT Borgmeier set 1953 ���; MZSP ��� 7 ������; Buritirama; 22 Mar. 1958; E. Dente leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Caatinga do Moura; 24 Jan. 1980; M.T.U. Rodrigues leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 24���29 Jan. 1980; P.E. Vanzolini leg.; MZSP ��� 2 ������; Cacul��; Jul. 1961; S. Laroca leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Caetit��; Nov. 2009; Jaqueline leg.; 8593; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Camis��o; 8 Apr. 1905; E. Bondas leg.; n 3401 Coll Borgmeier; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Campo Formoso; 20 Apr. 1974; R.L. Ara��jo leg.; n5534; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; Jun. 1995; C. Moura leg.; 4940; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Contendas do Sincor��; 13��55���20��� S, 41��06���57��� W; alt. 375 m; 3 Jun. 2014; Santos Silva leg.; UFGD ��� 5 ������; Contendas do Sincor��, F.N.C. Sincor��; 14��00��� S, 41��10��� W; 3 Jun. 2014; G. Santos Silva leg.; DZUP ��� 2 ������; Cruz das Almas; 1 Apr. 1988; C.A.L. Carvalho leg.; 704 188 (2/2) ME 014; MZSP ��� 2 ������; Feira de Santana; 23 Feb. 1993; J. Ricardo leg.; 4611; CPDC ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 19 Jun. 2006; J.J. Resende leg.; 11, ninho 1 F07; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Feira de Santana, UEFS; 30 Nov. 1993; I.M.F. Soares leg.; 4899; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Guanambi, EAFG; Apr. 1997; A.J.S. Argolo leg.; CPDC ��� 3 ������; Ibiraba; 1 Mar. 1989; Pedro Rocha leg.; ��� noite, ninho p�� arbusto ���; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Ibotirama; 21 Jul. 1969; W. Silva leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Igapor��; 9 Nov. 2011; J.A. Jesus leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Itaberaba; 19 Aug. 2008; Ant��nio Alves leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Itaberaba, Amparo Br28; 16 May 1965; R. Grantsan leg.; MZSP ��� 4 ������; Itaberaba, Faz. Riacho do Uru��u 1; 5 Dec. 1990; C.R.F. Brand��o, J.L.M. Diniz and O.S. Oliveira leg.; 9 pm; MZSP ��� 3 ������; Itaberaba, Faz. Riacho do Uru��u; 1 Dec. 1990; S.T.P. Amarante leg.; ��� bandeja d�����gua ���; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Itatim; 6 Jul. 1996; G.M. Santos leg.; 5105b; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Itau��u, FLONA Contendas do Sincor��; 9 Sep. 2005; Daniela and P��ricles leg.; TR pt 14; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Janda��ra, Costa Azul; 11��56���58��� S, 37��36���34��� W; 6 Oct. 2010; M.L.O. Travassos leg.; H1430; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Juazeiro; 11 Jul. 1989; M. Cristiano leg.; CPDC ��� 7 ������; Lagoa Itaparica; 8 Oct. 1990; Jorge L.M. Diniz leg.; cole����o Diniz; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Marcion��lio Souza; 24 Jul. 1993; N.S. Laca leg.; 4664; CPDC ��� 1 ♂; Manoel Vitorino; 26���27 Jan. 2006; R.R. Hora leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Milagres; 12��54���54.2��� S, 39��51���27.9��� W; 22���26 Oct. 2010; M.A. Ulyssea, A.M. Medina and E.M. Campos leg.; T1F 3H1; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; T2F 2H5; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; T3F 4H4; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; 23���25 Oct. 2010; M.A. Ulyss��ia leg.; MuBio-CE Hym 507; UFGD ��� 1 ���; Milagres, Br 116 km 561, caatinga arb��rea; 12��52���12��� S, 39��11���31��� W; 4 May 2009; J.J. Resende leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Monte Santo; 19 Jul. 1995; Cardoso leg.; 4945A; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Morro do Chap��u; 25 Mar. 1990; J. Roseira leg.; #278; CPDC ��� 2 ������; Morro do Cruzeiro; 31 Jan. 1993; Andr�� leg.; 4610; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Mucug��; 6 Jul. 2009; Thomas Strwtzel leg.; UFSC ��� 1 ���; Paulo Afonso, APA Serra Branca; 19 Mar. 2009; Layla Marques leg.; #5596��; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Pil��o Arcado, Barra Zacarias; 9��59��� S, 42��48��� W; alt. 416 m; 5 Dec. 2005; P.P. Lopes and G.M.M. Santos leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 3 Oct. 2006; J.J. Resende leg.; ninho 1 F30, 08; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Po����es, Faz. S��o Jo��o; 9 feb. 1964; Eduardo leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Rio Real; 27 Jun. 1994; Carmo leg.; 4859F; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Rui Barbosa; 16 Nov. 2012; Juliana Alves leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Samba��ba; 24 Aug. 1993; C. Ivan leg.; 4512; CPDC ��� 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; Mar. 2001; D.C. Nascimento leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; S [Santa] Rosa; 18 Jul. 1995; Cardoso leg.; 4944; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Santa Maria da Vit��ria, Serra do Ramalho; 13��23���52��� S, 44��11���52��� W; Jun. 2009; J. Castro leg.; CPDC ��� 2 ������; Sr do Bonfim [Senhor do Bom Fim]; 20 Jul. 1974; S. Laroca leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Serra da Jiboia; 20 Jul. 2004; R.M. Rodrigues leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Tucano, caatinga; 10.7798�� S, 38.8928�� W; 15 Nov. 2010; E.M. Campos, A.M. Medina, P.L. Paix��o and P.L.O. Rebou��as leg.; MZSP ��� 2 ������; Vila Nova; 1 Feb. 1908; E. Gazbe leg.; MZSP. ��� Cear�� ��� 1 ���; Araripe; 10 Nov. 1975; R.L. Ara��jo leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Chapada do Araripe; 5 Apr. 1962; D. Zajuwawl leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Crate��s, Croat��; 5.1333�� S, 40.9166�� W; 20���30 Apr. 2003; Y. Quinet leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ♂; Crate��s, Serra das Almas; 5.14170�� S, 40.91620�� W; 19 May 2014; G. Melo and B. Rosa leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; 19���20 May 2014; G. Melo and B.B. Rosa leg.; Mini-luminosa; DZUP 549801 ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 548847 ��� 6 ������; Fazenda Malhada Arcoverde; Jul. 1974; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Fortaleza; 3��43���01��� S, 38��32���34��� W; Sep. 2008; Y. Quinet leg.; 04; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Maranguape, Serra de Maranguape; 14 Nov. 2003; A.A. Tavares leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 3.8809�� S, 38.6958�� W; alt. 100 m; 16. Oct. 2017; Y.P. Quinet leg.; manual; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Pacatuba; 10 May 2016; G. Melo and B. Rosa leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Tiangu��; 18 Dec. 1948; C.R. Gon��alves leg.; MZSP. ��� Distrito Federal ��� 1 ♂; Bras��lia; Sep. 1972; N. Sim��es leg.; MZSP. ��� Minas Gerais ��� 1 ���; Po����es de Sta Cruz, 10 km SE of Jana��ba; 16��53��� S, 43��16��� W; alt. 660 m; 19 Jan. 2005; Melo and Costa leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Vi��osa, UFV; 30 Oct. 1975; J. Freire leg.; CPDC. ��� Para��ba ��� 1 ���; Areia; 1 Jul. 1955; Pe. Pereira leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Barra do Rio Mamanguape, Rio Tinto; 10 Jan. 2018; Mar��lia Costa leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Brand��o [Caldas Brand��o]; 22 Sep. 1955; Arist��teles Silva leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Estrela Dalva, S [S��o] Sebasti��o do Umbuzeiro; 24 Aug. 1954; A. Silva leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Fazenda Almas; 20 Dec. 2006; J. Paulo leg.; pitfall A5; CPDC ��� 1 ���; forest near Areia; alt. 630 m; 24 Jan. 1981; Robert Davidson leg.; primary forest, sweeping day; MPEG ��� 1 ���; Jo��o Pessoa; 28 Nov. 2008; Linsmara Nunes leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 23 Jan. 1988; M. Kammers and I.L. Oliveira leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 4 Nov. 1955; C.A. Gon��alves leg.; MZSP ��� 2 ������; same locality as for preceding; 9 Sep. 2002; A. Vasconcelos leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; CPDC ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 7��7���9.2��� S, 34��50���41.67��� W; alt. 41 m; 4 Sep. 2014; J.M. Churata S. leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Jo��o Pessoa, UFPB; 2���5 Apr. 1995; M.F.S. Santos leg.; 4921; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Jo��o Pessoa, Cabo Branco; 18 Jul. 1993; N. Rabet leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Jo��o Pessoa, forest of Gargau; alt. 45 m; 22 Jan. 1981; R. Davidson leg.; primary forest, sweeping day; MPEG ��� 5 ������; Mamanguape; 1 Jul. 1957; Dep. Zoologia exped.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Mata do campus UFPB; 24 Apr. 1977; V.Py Daniel leg.; INPA ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; Dec. 1976; INPA ��� 1 ♂; Matureia, Pico do Jabre; 7.25250�� S, 37.38472�� W; 19 Feb. 2018; A. Ferreira leg.; ��� armadilha de luz ���; DZUP ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 5488852 ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 5488853 ��� 2 ������; Olivedos; 20 Aug. 1954; Arist��teles Silva leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Rebio Sema 3; 2 Jul. 2015; L. Brisa leg.; pitfall; UEMS ��� 1 ���; Rio Tinto; 6��47���56.5��� S, 35��05���04��� W; alt. 83 m; 5 Jul. 2015; R. Silvestre leg.; pin��a; UFGD ��� 2 ������; S��o Jos�� Cordeiros, Faz. Almas; 2 May 2003; A. Vasconcelos leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; S��o Jos�� da Mata, S��tio S��o Miguel; 12 Apr. 1997; A.D. Brescovit leg.; at night; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Tabuleiro, N Sta Rita; 7 Feb. 1968; Dr. Dardano leg.; 9; MZSP. ��� Pernambuco ��� 3 ������; Oct. 1929; Pickel leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Afr��nio; alt. 500 m; 16 May 2007; J.A. Rafael and F.F. Xavier F. leg.; light; INPA ��� 1 ���; Araripina; 2 Jan. 1973; R. Montenegro leg.; #324, 8430; MZSP ��� 2 ������; Arcoverde; 17 Jul. 1974; R.L. Ara��jo leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Brej��o, Faz. Matary, R Maranh��o; 24 Apr. 1974; 932; MZSP ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; cole����o Diniz; DZUP ��� 6 ������; Carnaubeira; 20 May 1971; ABC MZUSP exped.; MZSP ��� 13 ������; Floresta, Faz. Campos Bons; 20���27 Jun. 1971; ABC MZUSP exped.; MZSP ��� 3 ������; Garanhuns; 13 Jan. 1967; F.B. Galinda leg.; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 29 Oct. 1938; A. Silva leg.; 5314; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Itamb��; 13 Feb. 1976; C.J. Rosetto leg.; 931; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Olinda; Reichensperger leg.; 34; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Parque Nacional do Catimbau; 8��30���40.561��� S, 37��16���37.133��� W; 27 Dec. 2017; Katherine B. Haedo leg., R27; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 8��32���48.38��� S, 37��15���21.74������W; alt. 938 m; 27 Dec. 2017; Katherine B. Haedo leg.; R4; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 8��28���29.71������ S, 37��21���22.36��� ���W; alt. 987 m; 27 Dec. 2017; Katherine B. Haedo leg.; R23; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 8��31���32.41������ S, 37��14���57.62������ W; alt. 910 m; 27 Dec. 2017; Katherine B. Haedo leg.; R45; DZUP ��� 1 ���; Pesqueira; 5 Aug. 1928; B. Pickel leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Petrolina; 18 Jul. 1974; R.L. Ara��jo leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Recife; 21 Apr. 1905; L. Lima Castro leg.; 2376; MZSP ��� 1 ���; Salgueiro; 17 Jul. 1974; P.L. Ara��jo leg.; MZUSP 5502 ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; MZSP. ��� Piau�� ��� 1 ���; Bom Jesus; 9��28���52.3��� S, 44��72���12.1��� W; 8 Nov. 2010; T. Frizzo and H. Vasconcelos leg.; T2 PI 10S; DZUP ��� 1 ♂; Caracol, P.N. da Serra das Confus��es; 9.22637�� S, 43.46331�� W; 3���7 Mar. 2016; R.M. Feitosa, G.P. Camacho and M.F.O. Martins leg.; DZUP 549804 ��� 1 ♂; Col��nia do Piau��; 27 Mar.���1 Apr. 1994; Boussard leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; 4914; CPDC ��� 2 ������; Curimat��, Espinhos; 10��6���19��� S, 44��13���08��� W; 20 Apr. 2000; M.P.D. Santos leg.; coleta manual; MPEG ��� 1 ���; Faz. Sta. Paz; 19 Jun. 1992; Argolo leg.; 4635; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Ribeir��o Gon��alves, Est. Ecol. Uru��u��-Una, cerrado; 10 Dec. 1980; A.I. Almeida leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; S��o Raimundo Nonato, P.N. Serra da Capivara, Zabel��; 12 Apr. 2011; A.C.A. leg.; pitfall; MZSP. ��� Rio Grande do Norte ��� 1 ���; FLONA de N��sia; Jun. 2017; Dina leg.; UFRN ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 15 Sep. 2005; R.R. Hora leg.; 5457; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Natal; 24 May 2008; Pitfall F4; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Natal, Campus Central UFRN; Jun. 2014 ��� Jan. 2016; Dina leg.; ���4 ninhos���; UFRN ��� 1 ���; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 549811 ��� 3 ♂♂; Campus Central UFRN, Jul. 2012 ��� Jan. 2016, Dina leg., ���4 ninhos���; DZUP ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 548850 ��� 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; DZUP 548851 ��� 1 ���; Natal, Lagoa de Jenipabu; Oct. 2010; R. Silvestre leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Parnamirim, Mata do Jiqui; Oct. 2009; Dina leg.; UFRN. ��� Sergipe ��� 1 ���; Est��ncia; 15 Jun. 1994; J. Jardim leg.; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Itabaianinha, Mata Verde; 15 Dec. 1991; B. Santos leg.; 4492; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Pirambu, Pov. Aguilhada, restinga; 10��41���37��� S, 36��50���37��� W; 8 Jun. 2017; D.S. Mesquita and team leg.; pitfall; MPEG ��� 1 ���; Po��o Redondo, Angico, alto sert��o; 9��41��� S, 38��31��� W; Jun. 2008; F.S. Nascimento leg.; MZSP ��� 1 ���; S��o Crist��v��o; 11��00���54��� S, 37��12���21��� W; 16 Apr. 2009; J.O. Dantas leg.; ��� ninho 2, 12 ���; CPDC ��� 1 ���; Serra de Itabaiana; Mar. 2008; T.J. leg.; CPDC. ��� Tocantins ��� 1 ���; Jalap��o, 19 Nov. 2012; H.L. Vasconcelos and T. Frizzo leg.; 405, T49-19S; UFU ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 409, T49-17S; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 409, T50-11S; DZUP ��� 1 ���; same locality as for preceding; 452, T51-2S; DZUP. Redescription Female MEASUREMENTS. Non-types (n = 32): HL 4.95���5.76; HW 4.9���5.73; MDL 3.9���4.66; SL 4.95���5.73; MSL 7.52���8.47; HFL 6.78���7.71; HBL 5.84���6.48; PL 2.15���2.59; PH 2.85���3.35; PW 1.45���1.95; ATS 7.04��� 8.4; BL 25.71���29.39 (mm); CI 0.93���1.04; SI 0.96���1.09; DPI 0.64���0.81. HEAD. Malar area without striae or with weak longitudinal to oblique striae that do not reach anterior eye margin. Gena microareolate and opaque, usually without rugulae. Brownish, appressed and very short pubescence present between eye and frontal lobe, extending posteriorly to frons. Frons microareolate, opaque to silky; with very sparse brownish, flexuous, suberect to erect hairs, longer than scape width; pubescence densest laterally. Occipital corner microareolate and opaque (sometimes silky). Antennal scape microareolate and silky; long, suberect hairs usually present on antennal segments 1���3. Ventral surface of head microareolate, generally without strigulae, sometimes present only on anterolateral margin and extending to hypostomal tooth. Labrum without median longitudinal sulcus; very shallow transverse rugulae sometimes present. Mandibular dorsum weakly longitudinally strigulate on inner base, sculpture gradually fading apicad. MESOSOMA.Dorsal margin of pronotum in lateral view broadly convex, with no pronounced dorsoposterior swelling; anteroventral corner of pronotum forms obtuse angle. Pronotal dorsum weakly microareolate, opaque to silky. Metapleural-propodeal suture well-marked and usually straight. METASOMA. Petiolar node in lateral view elongate (usually DPI Male MEASUREMENTS. Non-types (n = 5): HL 2.13���2.32; HW1 2.56���2.84; MDL 0.52���0.58; SL 0.87���0.97; EL 1.5���1.58; MOD 0.53���0.58; LOD 0.51���0.57; MSL 6.75���7.16; HFL 5.5���6; PL1 1.8���1.9; PH 1.44���1.54; PW 1.17���1.27; ASL 4.35���4.75; BL1 15.56���16.53 (mm); CI1 1.13���1.24; SEI 1.59���1.77; SI1 0.33���0.36. HEAD. Frontal carina usually forming short longitudinal swelling. Lateral ocellus clearly surpassing posterior head margin in full-face view. Head punctulate, weakly microareolate and with silky sheen; with yellowish decumbent pubescence and scarce long suberect to erect hairs, longer than ocellus height in full-face view. Antenna with appressed pubescence and long suberect to erect hairs clearly longer than maximum scape diameter; third to fourth most apical antennomeres without hairs. Ventral surface of head punctulate and slightly microareolate; with subopaque to silky sheen. MESOSOMA. Mesoscutum without notaulus. Mesopleural sulcus punctate or slightly scrobiculate. Scutoscutellar sulcus scrobiculate. Mesoscutellum longitudinally strigulate laterally. Metapleuralpropodeal suture with same microsculpture as rest of integument. Mesosoma mostly slightly microareolate and with silky sheen, becoming coarsely punctate on declivitous surface of propodeum; with decumbent to suberect pubescence and suberect hairs, distance between each hair usually greater than half its length. Legs densely covered by decumbent pubescence; coxae with suberect long hairs, greater than femur diameter. Protibial apex with at least one stout seta. METASOMA. Petiolar node microareolate and shining; densely covered by decumbent to suberect pubescence and sparse suberect hairs. Abdominal tergite VIII spiniform. Gaster very slightly microareolate and shining; tergites dense Published as part of Dias, Amanda Martins & Lattke, John Edwin, 2021, Large ants are not easy - the taxonomy of Dinoponera Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae), pp. 1-66 in European Journal of Taxonomy 784 (1) on pages 50-57, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.784.1603, http://zenodo.org/record/5798246 {"references":["Kempf W. W. 1971. A preliminary review of the ponerine ant genus Dinoponera Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica 14: 369 - 394.","Mann W. 1916. The Stanford Expedition to Brazil, 1911, John C. Branner, Director. The ants of Brazil. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 60 (11): 399 - 490.","Borgmeier T. 1937. Formigas novas ou pouco conhecidas da America do Sul e Central, principalmente do Brasil (Hym. Formicidae). Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Vegetal 3 (2): 217 - 255.","Lenhart P. A., Dash S. T. & Mackay W. P. 2013. 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