Crustacean Plankton Community (Crustacea: Copepoda & Cladocera) in Gypsum Karst Lakes and their Relation to Abiotic Parameters

Autor: Mladen Kerovec, Lidija Furač, Ivančica Ternjej, Igor Stanković, Zlatko Mihaljević
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: Two gypsum karst lakes and one non-gypsum karst lake were studied for copepod and cladoceran species composition in relation to specific habitat characteristics. The investigation was conducted from March to June 2007. Four copepod and six cladoceran species were recorded. Gypsum karst lakes are characterized as sulphate lakes and they show significant differences from non-gypsum karst lakes in conductivity, TDS, alkalinity, calcium and sulphates. Data on environmental variables and zooplankton were analyzed using redundancy analysis (RDA). The model explained 65.73% of the variance of the crustacean zooplankton and environmental data by the first two axes. The analysis confirmed that the major environmental variables influencing zooplankton in gypsum karst lakes are conductivity, TDS, calcium and sulphates. In the non-gypsum karst lake, on the contrary, the major variables were oxygen concentration and alkalinity. Specific habitat characteristics of gypsum karst lakes influence the zooplankton community by reducing the number of species and leading to the dominance of one of them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE