Whole body vibration as an adjunct to static stretching

Autor: J. T. Hopkins, Matthew Hawks, Aaron W. Johnson, Dennis L. Eggett, Iain Hunter, J. B. Feland
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: International journal of sports medicine. 31(8)
ISSN: 1439-3964
Popis: This study was a randomized control trial. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to determine if stretching the hamstrings during whole-body-vibration (WBV) is more effective than static stretching alone; and 2) to monitor retention of flexibility changes. The main outcome measure was hamstring flexibility as measured in degrees using a passive knee extension test. Thirty-four recreationally active college-age subjects (23.4+/-1.7 yrs) completed this study (22 males, 12 females, avg. ht.=175.6+/-6.4 cm, avg. wt.=74.9+/-11.8 kg). Subjects were assigned to a control group (C), a static stretch group (SS), or a vibration + static stretch group (V). Subjects stretched 5 days/wk for 4-weeks and were followed for 3-weeks after cessation to monitor retention. Analysis showed a significant difference between treatment groups (p
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