Comparison between a standard pancreatic supplement and a high enzyme preparation in cystic fibrosis

Autor: J.A. Dodge, G. Morrison, K. J. Mccracken, S. A. Guilford, J. M. Morrison, C. A. Byers, M. W. Bowden, A. O. B. Redmond
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 6:549-555
ISSN: 1365-2036
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2036.1992.tb00569.x
Popis: This study compared the relative effectiveness of a standard pancreatic enzyme supplement ('Creon', Duphar) and a new preparation ('Pancrease HL', Cilag) containing about 3 times the lipase and more than 5 times the protease activity. Capsule dosage was adjusted to a ratio of approximately 3:1. Fat balances showed that absorption of fat did not change significantly on conversion to the new high-lipase product, and the coefficient of absorption of total energy was similarly maintained. The coefficient of protein absorption was significantly enhanced with the high enzyme preparation (P less than 0.01), which may explain the reported subjective improvement in stool odour. No adverse effects were recorded. Patient acceptability of the new compound was high; the great reduction in the number of capsules required at each meal was cited by all patients as the reason for their preference.
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