The influence of the surface on the production and development of displacement cascades in Ni3Al and Cu3Au

Autor: H. Wollenberger, Christian Abromeit, Michael L. Jenkins, S. Müller
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Stereo transmission electron microscopy has been used to characterize the distribution in depth of disordered zones and associated dislocation loops in the ordered alloys Ni3Al and Cu3Au after heavy-ion irradiation, most extensively for Ni3Al irradiated with 50 keV Ta+ ions at a temperature of 573 K. The Cu3Au specimen was irradiated with 50 keV Ni+ ions at a temperature of 373 K with the ion beam incident at 45[ddot] in order to see more clearly the shapes and sizes of the cascades parallel to the beam direction. The defect yield in Ni3Al, that is the probability for a disordered zone to contain a loop, was found to be strongly dependent on the depth of the zone in the foil, varying from about 0.7 for near-surface zones to about 0.2 in the bulk. The sizes and shapes of disordered zones were independent of the depth of the zones in the foil, except for a small population of zones very near the surface which were strongly elongated parallel to the incident ion beam. In Cu3Au the surface had a smal...
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