Away-from-jet energy flow

Autor: Giuseppe Marchesini, Andrea Banfi, G. Smye
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: We consider interjet observables in hard QCD processes given by the energy flow E_out in a region away from all hard jets. Here the QCD radiation is depleted (E_out << Q), and therefore these observables provide ideal means to study non-perturbative effects. We derive an evolution equation (in the large N_c limit) which resums, for large Q/E_out, all leading terms arising from large angle soft emission (double logarithms are absent). We discuss the analytical features of the result and identify universal and geometry-dependent contributions. Our analysis confirms features found using numerical methods by Dasgupta and Salam.
29 pages, 2 figures, JHEP class included. Paper version
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