Evaluating the Effective Factors in Loyalty of Athletes to Sports Brands in the Archery League Teams

Autor: Mohammad Soltanhoseini, Nasim Azimi
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 5(6):220-228
Popis: The purpose of this study is to evaluate and prioritize the factors affecting loyalty of athletes to Sports Brands in the archery league teams. The method of the study is descriptive and the needed data for the survey were collected in measuring way. The sample of the study consisted of 90 athletes participating in premier archery teams in 1393, 65 men and 25 women, but according to Kerjesi and Moorgan Table sample size decrease to 73. To select a representative sample of the population, a randomly stratified by gender, 53 males and 20 females, were determined and availability research questionnaire was distributed among them. Questionnaire of the survey was adapted from Lau and colleagues (2006) of 11 subscales (brand name, product quality, price, style of product, environment of store, advertising, quality of services, influence of others, social class, lifestyle and volume of advertising ), and 40 items were designed. Validity of the questionnaire was determined by outstanding masters of sports management and 0.77 Cronbach's Alpha showed acceptable reliability of the questionnaire. The KS test, stepwise regression, and Friedman were used for statistical analysis of data. Results showed that the components of price, volume of advertising, lifestyle and environment of store were stronger predictors for Sport Brands, respectively. Friedman test showed, among other components are the components of the product style, social class, lifestyle, quality of services, and the volume of advertising in the priority groups.
Databáze: OpenAIRE