Saúde da população LGBT+ no contexto da atenção primária em saúde: relato de oficina realizada no internato integrado de Medicina de Família e Comunidade/Saúde Mental em uma universidade pública

Autor: Denise da Silva Mattos, Larissa Fonte Dutra da Rosa, Michele Lopes Pedrosa, Gabriela Bueno Loria, Gustavo Henrique de Oliveira Amorim, Clarisse Rinaldi Salles de Santiago, Laerte Romualdo Santos, Guilherme Martinolli Faig Canesin, Julia Mendes de Melo, Erotildes Maria Leal, Guilherme M. A. Silva
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, Vol 14, Iss 41 (2019)
ISSN: 2179-7994
DOI: 10.5712/rbmfc14(41)1807
Popis: Introduction: The LGBT+ healthcare is marked with particularities and vulnerabilities that require differenced attention. Sensitizing and qualifying healthcare professionals to these population’s needs is fundamental to guarantee the right to health. The curriculum from health degrees, that usually does not address this issue, have been questioned by students along with LGBTphobia reports among the medical education and revindication for practical capacitation. In this context, the Integrated Family & Community Medicine (MFC) and Mental Health Internship at Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, prepared a workshop on LGBT Health, presented in this article. Methods: A workshop took place in May of 2018, having a target audience of interns of MFC. It aimed to sensitize medical students regarding the referred theme and to give practical tools to be used in primary medicine and other healthcare environments. Medical undergrads who identify themselves as LGBT+ were invited to conduct the activity under the orientation of tutors from the internship. Given that those medical students were protagonists in this activity, it was possible to articulate the scientific knowledge, accomplished with regular studies on the theme, and the experiential expertise. The workshop was divided in four acts: i) sensitization; ii) case discussion; iii) information and orientations on good practice; iv) questions and feedback. The workshop lasted 4 hours, using active and participatory learning methods. Results: The objectives were achieved with a highly good evaluation as to the workshop’s organization and performance. The students and professors that coordinated the activity prepared a narrative evaluation. The workshop’s subjects, the MFC interns, took later an online feedback questionnaire, in which they positively evaluated the methods and acquired knowledge. Conclusion/Future works: The workshop, firstly implemented as an experimental activity, is now part of the regular medical internship curriculum. An optative course and an extension project are being planned, aiming to reach other medical students and public healthcare providers. Including the subject in the medical curriculum as a longitudinal discussion remains a challenge.
Databáze: OpenAIRE