Femtoliter Gradient Elution System for Liquid Chromatography Utilizing Extended Nanofluidics

Autor: Kazuma Mawatari, Kouto Toyoda, Shigeru Terabe, Takehiko Kitamori, Hisashi Shimizu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Analytical chemistry. 91(4)
ISSN: 1520-6882
Popis: A gradient system was developed for the separation of proteins on a femtoliter scale utilizing nanofluidic channels. In the history of chromatography, miniaturization of the separation column has been important for efficient separation and downsizing of instruments. Previously, our group developed a small and highly efficient chromatography system utilizing nanofluidic channels, although a flexible design of the gradient was difficult and separation of proteins was not achieved. Here, we propose a flexible gradient system using standard HPLC pumps and an auxiliary mixer with a simple sample injection system. In contrast to our previous sample injection system using pressure balance, the system enables a femtoliter-scale sample injection which is compatible with gradient elution using HPLC pumps. The system was carefully designed, verified for sample injection and gradient elution, and finally applied to the separation of proteins from model and real samples. This femtoliter-scale, efficient separation system will contribute to omics studies at the single-cell level.
Databáze: OpenAIRE