Low Temperature SoIC™ Bonding and Stacking Technology for 12/16-Hi High Bandwidth Memory (HBM)

Autor: C. T. Wang, C.H. Tsai, M. F. Chen, Douglas Yu, Terry Ku, W. C. Chiou
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology.
Popis: A low temperature system-on-integrated-chip (SoIC) bonding and stacking technology is proposed and implemented for 3-D memory integration, such as 3-D static random access memory (SRAM) or dynamic random access memory (DRAM) cube. It extends not only 2-D pin count to 12000/mm2 but also overcomes the obstacle of the stacking height. 4-Hi, 8-Hi, and 12-Hi stacks, each with 1 base die and 4, 8, and 12 dies, respectively, are realized and demonstrated in this article. The daisy chains in the 4-Hi/8-Hi/12-Hi structures incorporating over 10 000 through silicon vias (TSVs) and bonds are tested with liner ${I}-{V}$ curves, which indicates the good bonding and stacking quality. The electrical link from base controller to top DRAM for 12-Hi and 16-Hi high bandwidth memory (HBM) structure is built up to study the bandwidth (BW) and power efficiency. Compared to $\mu $ bump technology, the BW for the 12-Hi and 16-Hi structures using SoIC bonding shows the improvement of 18% and 20%, respectively, under same pin pitch and the power efficiency has the improvement of 8% and 15%. For thermal performance, the 12-Hi and 16-Hi SoIC-bond structure is 7% and 8% better than those using $\mu $ bump technology, respectively. With this innovative SoIC bonding and stacking technology, the bond pitch is scalable to sub-micrometer and the die thickness is manageable to be thinner, which are prospected for the application of higher BW 3-D memory with tera byte (TB)/s per stack.
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