Changes in Motor Development During a 4-Year Follow-up on Children With Univentricular Heart Defects

Autor: Anne Sarajuuri, Arja Häkkinen, Heidi Mäenpää
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Pediatric Physical Therapy. 28(4):446-451
ISSN: 0898-5669
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000298
Popis: To compare changes in motor development from 1 to 5 years of age among 18 children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and 12 with univentricular heart to 42 children without heart defect.Motor development was assessed with the Alberta Infant Motor Scale and Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement ABC).Children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome or univentricular heart had significantly lower scores on the Alberta Infant Motor Scale test at the age of 1 and on the Movement ABC test at the age of 5 years compared with controls. Children with clear abnormalities on brain magnetic resonance imaging had lower scores compared with those with normal images or mild changes, and their relative motor scores decreased during follow-up.Some children with univentricular heart defects may benefit from physiotherapeutic interventions to support their motor development.
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