Parameter uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in sediment flux calculation

Autor: Olivier Cerdan, B. Cheviron, M. Delmas, Jean-Marie Mouchel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
ISSN: 1607-7938
Popis: This paper examines uncertainties in the calculation of annual sediment budgets at the outlet of rivers. Emphasis is put on the sensitivity of power-law rating curves to degradations of the available discharge-concentration data. The main purpose is to determine how predictions arising from usual or modified power laws resist to the infrequence of concentration data and to relative uncertainties affecting source data. This study identifies cases in which the error on the estimated sediment fluxes remains of the same order of magnitude or even inferior to these in source data, provided the number of concentration data is high enough. The exposed mathematical framework allows considering all limitations at once in further detailed investigations. It is applied here to bound the error on sediment budgets for the major French rivers to the sea.
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