Oxygen activation of apo-obelin-coelenterazine complex

Autor: Yuguang Zhou, Lei Song, Elena V. Eremeeva, Eugene S. Vysotski, Zhi-Jie Liu, Pavel V. Natashin, Willem J. H. van Berkel
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: ChemBioChem 14 (2013) 6
ChemBioChem, 14(6), 739-745
ISSN: 1439-7633
Popis: Ca(2+) -regulated photoproteins use a noncovalently bound 2-hydroperoxycoelenterazine ligand to emit light in response to Ca(2+) binding. To better understand the mechanism of formation of active photoprotein from apoprotein, coelenterazine and molecular oxygen, we investigated the spectral properties of the anaerobic apo-obelin-coelenterazine complex and the kinetics of its conversion into active photoprotein after exposure to air. Our studies suggest that coelenterazine bound within the anaerobic complex might be a mixture of N7-protonated and C2(-) anionic forms, and that oxygen shifts the equilibrium in favor of the C2(-) anion as a result of peroxy anion formation. Proton removal from N7 and further protonation of peroxy anion and the resulting formation of 2-hydroperoxycoelenterazine in obelin might occur with the assistance of His175. It is proposed that this conserved His residue might play a key role both in formation of active photoprotein and in Ca(2+) -triggering of the bioluminescence reaction.
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