Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions for Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean Region

Autor: Venn Chesterton, Saul Alverano, Oliver Lah, Lefteris Sdoukopoulos, Magdala Arioli
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Sustainable Urban Mobility Pathways
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-814897-6.00002-8
Popis: Cities around the world strive to establish sustainable urban transport systems in order to provide efficient and safe mobility services for their citizens with minimum environmental and social impacts. With often-limited opportunities to build new infrastructure, cities aim to increase the efficiency and capacity of their existing transport systems by deploying innovative, sustainable, and technically advanced solutions. The successful transfer and implementation of urban mobility solutions between global regions proves to be particularly challenging considering that socioeconomic conditions and the respective policy frameworks differ substantially. A number of projects have successfully demonstrated the transfer of selected solutions between leading and take-up cities. Such paradigms confirm the high value of collaborative learning and exchanging experiences within different cultures and planning practices. Cities, regions, and countries around the world often share similar urban mobility challenges, with some cities being more or less progressive than others. While there are advantages to sharing best practices, examples, and lessons learnt, it is of significant benefit to city officials and other relevant stakeholders to have a robust methodology in place, which they can follow to implement and harmonize successful urban mobility policies, measures, and technologies. Urban mobility has proved to be strongly influenced by a spectrum of economic, social, and political factors, indicating the need for analyzing the conditions, trends, and implications of sustainable urban mobility solutions in each of the different Mediterranean, Latin-American, and Asian countries. This chapter summarizes the conditions, trends, and implications of sustainable urban mobility solutions in China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Israel, and Morocco.
Databáze: OpenAIRE