Expression of Mouse Osteoclast K-Cl Co-Transporter-1 and Its Role During Bone Resorption

Autor: Fujio Okamoto, Koji Okabe, Jing-Ping Li, Hiroshi Kajiya, Akihiro Nakao
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 21:984-992
ISSN: 0884-0431
DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.060407
Popis: To assess the role of Cl− transport during osteoclastic bone resorption, we studied the expression and function of K+/Cl− co-transporters (KCCs). KCC1 and chloride channel-7 were found to be expressed in mouse osteoclasts. The KCC inhibitor, R(+)-butylindazone (DIOA), KCC1 antisense oligo-nucleotides, and siRNA suppressed osteoclastic pit formation. DIOA also decreased Cl− extrusion and reduced H+ extrusion activity. These results show that KCC1 provides a Cl− extrusion mechanism accompanying the H+ extrusion during bone resorption. Introduction: Mice with deficient chloride (Cl−) channels, ClC7, show severe osteopetrosis, resulting from impairment of Cl− extrusion during osteoclastic bone resorption. However, the expression and functional role of Cl− transporters other than ClC7 in mammalian osteoclasts is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine expression of K+/Cl− co-transporters (KCCs) and their functional role for bone resorption in mouse osteoclasts. Materials and Methods: Mouse osteoclasts were derived from cultured bone marrow cells with macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and RANKL or from co-culture of bone marrow cells and primary osteoblasts. We examined the expression of Cl− transporters using RT-PCR, immunochemical, and Western blot methods. The effects of Cl− transport inhibitors on H+ and Cl− extrusion were assessed by measuring intracellular H+ ([H+]i) and Cl− ([Cl−]i). The effects of inhibitors, antisense oligo-nucleotides, and siRNA for Cl− transporters on bone resorption activities were evaluated using a pit formation assay. Results and Conclusions: Mouse osteoclasts express not only ClC7 but also K+/Cl− co-transporter mRNA. The existence of KCC1 in the cell membrane of mouse osteoclasts was confirmed by immunochemical staining and Western blot analysis. KCC inhibitors and Cl− channels blockers increased [Cl−]i and [H+]i in resorbing osteoclasts, suggesting that the suppression of Cl− extrusion through KCC and Cl− channels leads to reduced H+ extrusion activity. The combination of both inhibitors greatly suppressed these extrusion activities. KCC inhibitors and Cl− channel blockers also decreased osteoclastic bone resorption in our pit area essay. Furthermore, KCC1 antisense oligo-nucleotides and siRNA suppressed osteoclastic pit formation as well as treatment of ClC7 inhibitors. These results indicate that K+/Cl− co-transporter-1 expressed in mouse osteoclasts acts as a Cl− extruder and plays an important role for H+ extrusion during bone resorption.
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