Crowdfunding: a bibliometric analysis

Autor: Hermenegildo Gil-Gomez, Raul Oltra-Badenes, Pablo E. Zegarra Saldaña, Vicente Guerola-Navarro
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Bibliometric analysis
Web of science
17.- Fortalecer los medios de ejecución y reavivar la alianza mundial para el desarrollo sostenible
09.- Desarrollar infraestructuras resilientes
promover la industrialización inclusiva y sostenible
y fomentar la innovación

Subject (documents)
Data science
Management Information Systems
02.- Poner fin al hambre
conseguir la seguridad alimentaria y una mejor nutrición
y promover la agricultura sostenible

08.- Fomentar el crecimiento económico sostenido
inclusivo y sostenible
el empleo pleno y productivo
y el trabajo decente para todos

07.- Asegurar el acceso a energías asequibles
sostenibles y modernas para todos

01.- Erradicar la pobreza en todas sus formas en todo el mundo
Management of Technology and Innovation
High potential
Theme (narrative)
Popis: [EN] This paper presents a quantitative vision of the study of crowdfunding, through a bibliometric analysis of the most relevant publications. The main goal is to deter¿ mine whether crowdfunding is really a subject of increasing interest, and to identify the most productive and infuential sources of its scientifc research. Data were col¿ lected from the general Web of Science, one of the most complete and prestigious databases. We found that the USA is where crowdfunding is most studied. The two most active authors (Brooks AC and Andreoni J) are also in the USA. Regarding the temporal evolution of publications and citations, exponential growth was observed from 2010, which together with the low numbers of citations and publications, high¿ light the youth of crowdfunding as a subject of study, and the high potential it has for future research. Finally, a compilation of the most relevant articles was made in terms of the number of citations. This is the basis for starting new studies that delve deeper into the theme. With the results obtained, any researcher interested in the subject can easily analyze the most relevant articles, and fnd the studies of the authors, entities, and countries with the greatest infuence on the subject.
Databáze: OpenAIRE