Phaeomycotic Granuloma in a Cat

Autor: R. D. Phemister, G. Migaki, J. R. Hill
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Veterinary Pathology. 15:559-561
ISSN: 1544-2217
DOI: 10.1177/030098587801500415
Popis: A spontaneous cutaneous infection caused by Phialophora in a homeothermic animal other than man is reported. The disease in man had been reviewed extensively [2-5, 9-1 11. Previous studies [7, 81 have reviewed the disease as it occurs in frogs. An adult female domestic short-haired cat has an ulcerated mass on the dorsal aspect of the right carpus. No apparent involvement of the regional lymph nodes was noted. The entire mass was removed surgically. It was about 2 X 1.5 X 0.5 centimeters, was friable and irregularly tan on cut surface. It was circumscribed but not well encapsulated along its base and extended into the underlying subcutaneous tissue. Microscopically the lesions had a unique pattern in that the center of the granulomatous inflammatory process was composed of a large area of suppuration surrounded by a wide zone of epithelioid granulation tissue containing numerous multinucleated giaqt cells (fig. 1). There were many microabscesses throughout the lesions. In the reactive tissue as well as the necrotic areas, were myriads of golden-brown ovoid to round bodies, singly or in chains, phagocytosed in epithelioid cells and giant cells or free in the tissue (fig. 2). The fungi were mostly short septate hyphae that branched occasionally (fig. 3) or were single buds (fig. 4). This was best seen in unstained preparations which aIso effectively demonstrated the brown appearance of the fungi (fig. 5). The individual cells were from 6 to 8 micrometers in Fig. 1: Granulomatous abscess. Large central area of suppuration (A) surrounded by wide zone of epithelioid granulation tissue (B). HE. (Bar = 250 pm).
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