Mind control of a distant electronic device: A proof-of-concept pre-registered study

Autor: Elena Prati, Luca Semenzato, Luciano Pederzoli, Patrizio E. Tressoldi
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: This study was aimed at verifying the possibility of mentally in!uencing from a distance an electronic device based on a True Random Number Generator (TRNG). Thirteen adult participants contributed to 100 trials, each comprised three samples of data each of 15 minutes’ duration: one for pre-mental interaction, one for mental interaction, and one for post-mental interaction. For each of these three samples, at the end of each minute, the data sequence generated by the random number generator was analyzed with the Frequency and Runs tests in order to determine if there were any changes in the randomness of the sequence. A further 100 trials of three samples each of the same duration were collected during normal functioning of the device, as a control. The only evidence of an e"ect of distant mental interaction is an increase of approximately 50%, with respect to control data, of the number of samples within which the pre-determined statistical threshold for the detection of a reduction of the randomness was surpassed in both tests. Although the e"ect of distant mental interaction is still weak, we believe that the results of this study represent a proof-of-concept for the construction of electronic devices susceptible to distant mental in!uence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE