Studies on 2-piperidino-8-mercaptoadenine, a potent inhibitor of cleavage in echinoderm embryos

Autor: E. Simmel, F.J. Hendler, C.W. Young, D.A. Karnofsky
Rok vydání: 1970
Zdroj: Experimental Cell Research. 60:45-53
ISSN: 0014-4827
Popis: Several 8-mercaptoadenine derivatives inhibited pronuclear fusion, karyokinesis and cleavage in the sand dollar embryo. The most potent of these, 2-piperidino-8-mercaptoadenine (PMA) prevented cleavage when present at a concentration of 0.1 μg/ml or greater. At cleavage-inhibitory concentrations PMA did not inhibit synthesis of protein; drug effects upon synthesis of DNA seemed to be secondary to changes in karyokinesis. The microscopic and biochemical effects of PMA closely resembled those of colchicine; they differed significantly from the effects produced by dinitrophenol, usnic acid, cycloheximide, β-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol. Both 6-NH 2 and 8-SH substitutions on the purine molecule were necessary for cleavage inhibitory potency. Marginal protection against cleavage inhibition was afforded by mercaptopurines, mercaptopurine ribosides and cysteine but not by purines, purine ribosides, methylmercaptopurine or cystine.
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