Outgroup prosocial giving during childhood: The role of ingroup preference and outgroup attitudes in a divided society

Autor: Lipaz Shamoa-Nir, Jocelyn Dautel, Laura K. Taylor, Irene Razpurker-Apfeld
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Shamoa Nir, L, Razpurker Apfeld, I, Dautel, J B & Taylor, L 2020, ' Outgroup prosocial giving during childhood: The role of ingroup preference and outgroup attitudes in a divided society ', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 337-344 . https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025420935619
Popis: Amid protracted conflict, children are raised in divided contexts which shape the development of their intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Social Identity Development Theory (SIDT) suggests that ingroup preference may contribute to more negative outgroup attitudes and behaviors in middle childhood. In such contexts, ingroup favoritism may shape resource distribution, a key indicator of prosocial behavior. This study examined the predictors of resource distribution among 387 children (age: M=9.59, SD=2.34) of majority (Jewish) and minority (Arab-Muslim) groups in Israel. Rooted in SIDT, a multiple-group chain mediation found that the effect of age on outgroup prosocial giving was serially mediated by the child’s ingroup symbol preference and negative outgroup attitudes. The mediation held across both majority and minority groups, highlighting the underlying developmental process of prosocial giving across group lines in a divided society. British Psychological Society Zefat Academic College internal institutional grant Check for published version during checkdate report - AC
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