The McAdams Style Revisited

Autor: J. Grant Stauffer
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: New Methods and Theories for Analyzing Mississippian Imagery
DOI: 10.5744/florida/9781683402121.003.0003
Popis: McAdams Style compositions provide significant insights into the production of discrete iconographic themes within particular regions of the Mississippian period Eastern Woodlands. In particular, this style frequently portrays spiders bearing central cross motifs. These depictions both tie in to broader panregional themes and exhibit localized variations in composition. Stauffer highlights geographic variations within the style to approach the archaeological record and raise questions about past behaviors in a way that orients investigations about their use-life. Stauffer also proposes that particular iconographic themes relate to forums of activity and social roles that can be inferred from ethnography.
Databáze: OpenAIRE