Immunocytochemical identification of growth hormone- and prolactin-producing cells in the hypophysis of the newt Triturus cristatus carnifex Laur

Autor: Ezio Campantico, Alda Guastalla
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: General and Comparative Endocrinology. 86:197-202
ISSN: 0016-6480
Popis: Single indirect immunocytochemical methods (immunofluorescence, PAP, and ABC) and double sequential staining (ABC followed by immunofluorescence) were used to localize GH- and PRL-producing cells in the pituitary distal lobe from Triturus cristatus. The following antisera were employed: rabbit anti-ovine PRL, anti-Rana catesbeiana PRL, anti-ovine GH, anti-bovine GH, and monkey anti-rat GH. A cell population corresponding to type-2 acidophils localized in the dorsal and central region, under the intermediate lobe, immunoreacted with GH antisera. Both ovine and bullfrog PRL antisera labeled a large cell population, corresponding to type-1 acidophils, predominantly localized in the ventral anterior two-thirds of the gland. The pattern of localization shown by the two cell types, although consistent with the majority of data on adult amphibians, disproves the findings obtained on the same species by other authors.
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