Autor: Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Ramasubramaniam M, Xavier M.J
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4766319
Popis: In the coming decade, India’s ambition to become a developed nation will have to be fuelled and facilitated by the policies adopted by the government of India. These will in turn have social and economic impact. The National educational Policy (NEP) 2020is a policy by the government of India which envisions development of inclusive and accessible education to the masses. This also aims to provide lifelong learning opportunities and processes by introducing flexibility into the previously rigid educational system in India. As part of the global educational ecosystem the NEP 2020 policy in India should also be looking at integrating the global educational policy guidelines. Which has changed from “Education for all to enrolment to learning that is inclusive, equitable, effective and relevant,” as stated in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 – Education 2030 Agenda, UNESCO (2017). All the member countries have agreed to integrate lifelong learning into their policies based on their national priorities which will have an impact beyond social and economic development and facilitate sustainable development. In this context this study compares the NEP 2020 policy document to UNESCOs Educational Policy which is an integration of the core concepts and targets of SDG4 using text analytics to identify the trends and to compare the same. The text analytics software used is KNIME which analysed both the documents to give a word cloud for each as well as a count of repetitive occurrence of keywords and collaborative occurrence of certain word sets in each of the documents which helped in the process of grouping and interpretation of the trends.
Databáze: OpenAIRE