The updated ESTRO core curricula 2011 for clinicians, medical physicists and RTTs in radiotherapy/radiation oncology

Autor: Stefano Maria Magrini, Pavel Vitek, Wolfgang Enghardt, Maris Mezeckis, Jesper Grau Eriksen, Richard Pötter, Stylianos Nikoletopoulos, Ben J.M. Heijmen, Marta Wasilewska-Radwanska, T. Eudaldo, Laura Mullaney, Tibor Major, Pierre Thirion, Kim Benstead, Guy Kantor, Guy Vandevelde, Boquslaw Maciejewski, Jan Willem H. Leer, Christine Verfaillie, Mirjana Josipovic, Mary Coffey, Andrew W Beavis, Michael P. R. Waligórski, Cristina Garibaldi, P. François, Tobias Boelling, Dag Rune Olsen, Angelo Oliveira, Alex Rijnders, Aude Vaandering, Marie Hjälm-Eriksson, Annette Boejen
Přispěvatelé: Pediatrics, Radiotherapy, UCL - (SLuc) Service de radiothérapie oncologique
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Radiotherapy and Oncology, 103(1), 103-108. Elsevier Ireland Ltd
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Eriksen, J G, Beavis, A W, Coffey, M A, Leer, J W H, Magrini, S M, Benstead, K, Boelling, T, Hjälm-Eriksson, M, Kantor, G, Maciejewski, B, Mezeckis, M, Oliveira, A, Thirion, P, Vitek, P, Olsen, D R, Eudaldo, T, Enghardt, W, François, P, Garibaldi, C, Heijmen, B, Josipovic, M, Major, T, Nikoletopoulos, S, Rijnders, A, Waligorski, M, Wasilewska-Radwanska, M, Mullaney, L, Boejen, A, Vaandering, A, Vandevelde, G, Verfaillie, C & Pötter, R 2012, ' The updated ESTRO core curricula 2011 for clinicians, medical physicists and RTTs in radiotherapy/radiation oncology ', Radiotherapy & Oncology, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 103-8 .
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 103, 1, pp. 103-8
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 103, 103-8
r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
Radiotherapy & Oncology, Vol. 103, no. 1, p. 103-108 (2012)
ISSN: 0167-8140
DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2012.02.007
Popis: Introduction: In 2007 ESTRO proposed a revision and harmonisation of the core curricula for radiation oncologists, medical physicists and RTTs to encourage harmonised education programmes for the professional disciplines, to facilitate mobility between EU member states, to reflect the rapid development of the professions and to secure the best evidence-based education across Europe. Material and methods: Working parties for each core curriculum were established and included a broad representation with geographic spread and different experience with education from the ESTRO Educational Committee, local representatives appointed by the National Societies and support from ESTRO staff. Results: The revised curricula have been presented for the ESTRO community and endorsement is ongoing. All three curricula have been changed to competency based education and training, teaching methodology and assessment and include the recent introduction of the new dose planning and delivery techniques and the integration of drugs and radiation. The curricula can be downloaded at Conclusion: The main objective of the ESTRO core curricula is to update and harmonise training of the radiation oncologists, medical physicists and RTTs in Europe. It is recommended that the authorities in charge of the respective training programmes throughout Europe harmonise their own curricula according to the common framework. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 103 (2012) 103-108
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