Separation and detection of closely related peptides by micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using the partial filling technique

Autor: Norio Matsubara, Hiroto Ozaki, Shigeru Terabe, Kiyohiro Koezuka
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications. 689:3-11
ISSN: 0378-4347
Popis: Closely related peptides such as neurotensin and angiotensin analogues were separated by capillary zone electrophoresis using a nonionic surfactant, sucrose monododecanoate, as a micelle forming reagent. These peptides were detected by an on-line coupled mass spectrometer using an electrospray ionization interface. However, the presence of the micelles in the separation solution drastically reduced the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer. Therefore, a partial filling technique was employed to prevent the micelles from entering the mass spectrometric interface. A part of the capillary from the injection end was filled with the micellar solution in this technique. Analytes passed through the micellar zone during the electrophoresis and when the separated analytes reached the detection end of the capillary, the micellar zone was still behind the analyte zones, because the nonionic surfactant moved very slowly in acidic conditions. Thus the technique was very useful for mass spectrometric detection for CE when the micellar solution was employed for separation. The optimization of separation and detection conditions was investigated.
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