Neural Regulation of Insulin Secretion in the Dog

Autor: Jean Posternak, Josianne Seydoux, Lucien Girardier, Yasunori Kanazawa, Daniel Porte
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Investigation. 52:210-214
ISSN: 0021-9738
Popis: The effects of stimulation of the mixed autonomic nerve to the dog pancreas has been studied under conditions in which both pancreaticoduodenal vein blood flow and insulin concentration were determined. Stimulation resulted in increased insulin output, which was blocked by prior administration of atropine. Blood flow was reduced by stimulation in proportion to the rate of stimulation. At 40 stimuli/s a maximum effect was found at 1 min with a gradual return toward base line despite continued application of the stimulus. Atropinization had no effect on blood flow changes. Insulin responses to 0.1 g/kg glucose were reduced on the average 40% by simultaneous stimulation of the pancreatic nerve at 40 cycles/s in atropinized animals. These studies establish this preparation as a reproducible model for the direct examination of autonomic influences on endocrine pancreatic function. From them it is concluded that the nerve supply to the endocrine pancreas of the dog is sufficient to inhibit insulin secretion by activation of the sympathetic nerves and to stimulate insulin secretion by activation of the parasympathetic nerves.
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