Formation of monolayer ensembles of branched gold nanoparticles

Autor: Beynik, T.G., Matveevskaya, N.A., Kosyanov, D.Yu., Vornovskikh, A.A., Kuryavyi, V.G., Dukarov, S.V., Petrushenko, S.I.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Functional materials. 25:534-538
ISSN: 2218-2993
Popis: Monolayer film structures based on branched gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) with (80±20) nm average NPs size were synthesized using template synthesis on functionalized glass substrates. The obtained materials have a high distribution uniformity of isolated Au NPs in a monolayer. The study of the surface profile of monolayer ensembles showed that NPs have a three-dimensional shape, the average roughness of the films surface is 20-30 nm, which corresponds to the length of the sharp NP branches (25±5 nm). The optical properties of Au NPs monolayer ensembles were studied.
Databáze: OpenAIRE