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The research aims to find out the form of code switching, code mixing, and the factors that influence the communication of grade 1a Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Private Private Datok Sulaiman Palopo City. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative, problems related to teacher and student communication during the learning process that uses code switching and code mixing. The subject of the study was the teacher 1a grade Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Private Datok Sulaiman Palopo City in the 2019/2020 school year, while the object of this research was the mixing of Indonesian and regional languages in teacher communication. The results of this study are a form of code switching in teacher communication using formal and informal languages and the relationship between languages from Indonesian to regional languages or vice versa. The existence of mixed forms of code in teacher communication in the form of words and phrases. The factors that cause code switching and code mixing through speakers or interlocutors, the presence of a third party, changes in the formal situation to informal or vice versa, and changes in the topic of conversation. |