Infliximab (Revellex) inflammatory bowel disease: guidelines

Autor: J Garisch, H Schneider, JP Wright, C Ziady, C Kassianides
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: South African Gastroenterology Review; Vol 1, No 1 (2003); 18-18
ISSN: 1812-1659
Popis: Extracted from text ... SAGES GUIDELINES The South African Gastroenterology Review - August 2003 18 Infliximab (Revellex) inflammatory bowel disease protein that is in the antibody. There is also a serious risk of re-activating pulmonary tuberculosis. The prognosis is very poor in these patients, especially when aggravated by HIV/ Aids. Guidelines for the use of Infliximab (Revellex) 1 The patient should be managed by a registered gastroenterologist. 2 The diagnosis of Crohn's Disease must be confirmed with recent small bowel enema, colonoscopy, histology and raised acute phase reactants. The exact combination of criteria would depend on the disease localization and the type of ..
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