The influence of thiamine deficiency and ethanol on rat brain catecholamines

Autor: Sören Lindén, A. Neri, Birgitta Sjöquist, Hélène Ax:son Johnson
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Drug and alcohol dependence. 22(3)
ISSN: 0376-8716
Popis: In rats treated with a thiamine deficient diet for 30 days the brain content of total thiamine decreased by 27–50%. Thiamine deficiency decreased the dopamine (DA) concentration of the striatum indicating a reduced synthesis of DA. In the hypothalamus the levels of the catecholamine metabolites homovanillic acid (HVA) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl glycol (HMPG) were reduced indicating a reduced DA and noradrenaline (NA) turnover. Animals on a diet containing 5% ethanol had increased concentrations of HVA and HMPG in rest brain indicating an increased DA and NA turnover. The concentration of 1-carboxysalsolinol (1-CSAL) and salsolinol (SAL) in the brain stem was increased in animals receiving ethanol. Thus, both thiamine deficiency and ethanol treatment influenced the catecholamine system in a complex region-dependent way. In the brain regions most susceptible to brain damage in thiamine deficiency, i.e., hypothalamus and brain stem, 1-CSAL and SAL increased most following thiamine deficiency combined with ethanol intake.
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