Comefulvius Carvalho & Carpintero 1985

Autor: Ch��rot, Fr��d��ric, Carpintero, Diego L., Wolski, Andrzej
Rok vydání: 2014
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6137489
Popis: Comefulvius Carvalho & Carpintero, 1985 (Figures 1 ���13) Comefulvius Carvalho & Carpintero, 1985: 510 (as new genus) [type species: Comefulvius chingonus Carvalho & Carpintero, 1985, by original designation]. Comefulvius: Carvalho & Froeschner, 1990: 319 (catalog of Carvalho���s types); Carvalho & Ferreira, 1994: 328 (key of Neotropical genera of Cylapinae); Schuh, 1995: 21 (catalog), 2002���2013 (online catalog); Gorczyca, 2000: 49 (list of genera of the tribe Fulviini), 2006: 27 (catalog). Diagnosis. Easily distinguished from other Cylapinae by the following set of characters: head strongly elongated and pointed, horizontal (Figs. 1���4); labium very long and thin, with segment I very short, barely reaching buccula medially (Fig. 8); labial segment II longest, reaching metacoxae; scent gland efferent system absent; costal fracture absent (Figs. 1���2); corium and clavus with several rows of black punctures (Fig. 2). Redescription. Male. Structure, texture, and vestiture. Body suboval; dorsal surface matte, covered with dense, scalelike setae. Head. Strongly elongated horizontally, rugose with verrucose areas, also covered with scalelike setae; eye large, contiguous with pronotal collar, occupying practically entire head height in lateral view; antenniferous tubercle separated of anterior margin of eye; clypeus elongate, antenna short; antennal segment I relatively short, not reaching the apex of head, almost cylindrical, slightly thickened toward apex, mixed with sparse, simple, semirecumbent setae and very sparse, scalelike, adpressed setae; segment II cylindrical, covered with dense, semirecumbent setae; segments III and IV somewhat more slender that segment II, mixed with relatively dense, semirecumbent setae and with sparse, erect, relatively long setae; labium very thin, reaching slightly beyond metacoxae; labial segment I somewhat thicker than segments II���IV, very short, barely reaching posterior portion of buccula; remaining segments very thin, with segment II very long, much longer than III and IV combined. Thorax. Pronotum. Rugose, with verrucose areas, trapezoidal; collar distinct, well separated from remainder of pronotum; calli large, occupying 2 / 3 of pronotal disk area, not strongly raised; lateral margin with indistinct carina along entire length; posterior margin slightly arcuate. Scutellum and mesoscutum. Mesoscutum large, uncovered, posterior margin rounded; scutellum pointed, flat, verrucose, covered with relatively sparse setae, except for two characteristic bundles of contrastingly whitish setae, each situated basolaterally. Thoracic pleura. Covered with scalelike setae, being more densely distributed on proepisternum and metepisternum; proepisternum and proepimeron strongly rugose; remaining pleura, except for metepisternum weakly rugose; metepisternum verrucose; scent gland efferent system absent. Hemelytron. Matte, not rugose or verrucose as remainder of dorsum; corium with four rows of punctures: two present along medial fracture and R+M vein and two present along the latter; clavus with row of punctures along claval suture and along claval margin; embolium (exocorium) wide; costal fracture absent; membrane with single cell, reduced. Legs. Tarsus two-segmented; tarsomere II subdivided medially; pretarsal claw strongly toothed subapically. Male genitalia. Aedeagus (Fig. 9). Endosoma strongly elongate, broader toward apex, membranous; ductus seminis long, reaching subapical portion of endosoma, relatively thick, terminating in a small, horseshoe-shaped sclerite. Left paramere (Figs. 10���11). Moderately curved; apical process relatively short, broad and obtuse at apex; paramere body thick, covered with sparse setae. Right paramere (Fig. 12). Apical process strongly reduced; paramere body with rounded dorsal margin and strongly sinuate ventral margin. Female. Unknown. Discussion. Comefulvius is most similar to Incafulvius Carvalho and Xenocylapus Bergroth in sharing the peculiar, very long and thin labium, with the segment I very short, not reaching the middle of the gula and with segment II much longer than segments III and IV (Fig. 8; Carvalho 1976; van Doesburg 1985: Fig. 5). Such distinctive shape of the labium clearly delimits these three genera as a distinct group within Cylapinae. Additionally, Comefulvius shares with Incafulvius and Xenocylapus the lack of the scent gland efferent system of the metepisternum; Carvalho 1976; Wolski pers. obs.) and the absence of costal fracture (Carvalho 1976: Fig. 1; van Doesburg 1985: Fig. 1). Comefulvius is also similar to Xenocylapus in sharing the compact, strongly elongated and apically broad endosoma (Fig. 9; Wolski pers. obs.). Comefulvius is distinguished from Incafulvius and Xenocylapus by the strongly elongated head, the shape of clypeus and the shape of pronotal callosities (Figs. 1 ���2, 5��� 6; Carvalho 1976: Fig. 1; van Doesburg 1985: Fig. 1). Comefulvius can be also distinguished from both genera in possessing seven rows of punctures on the hemelytron (Figs. 1, 6) whereas Incafulvius has one and Xenocylapus has three to five punctured hemelytral rows (Carvalho 1976; van Doesburg 1985).
Published as part of Ch��rot, Fr��d��ric, Carpintero, Diego L. & Wolski, Andrzej, 2014, New record and redescription of the monotypic genus Comefulvius Carvalho & Carpintero, 1985 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae), pp. 495-500 in Zootaxa 3765 (5) on pages 496-498, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3765.5.7,
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