Words are Monuments: Racism and Colonialism Conserved in Place Names

Autor: Barnd, Natchee, McGill, Bonnie, Wu, Grace, Borrelle, Stephanie, Ingeman, Kurt, Koch, Jonathan
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.31235/osf.io/fdcmz
Popis: Conservation science aims to improve human wellbeing through environmental management, but the discipline must reckon with the living legacies of its history including racism and colonialism. US national parks are symbolic of conservation and ripe for examination for their contribution to socio-spatial exclusion of Black, Indigenous and other people of color from outdoor spaces. We examined the origins of over 2,000 place names in 16 (26% of) US national parks to quantify the extent that national park narratives perpetuate colonialism and racism. Through iterative thematic analysis of place name origins we constructed a decision tree for classifying place name problem types according to their dimensions of racism and colonialism (if any), which enabled quantification and spatial analysis of problem types by park. We found that these highly visible conservation landscapes commemorate individuals and words that tacitly endorse racist and anti-Indigenous ideologies at a system scale. Changing these names is one small step towards dismantling colonialist and racist narratives and towards making public conservation landscapes more inclusive.
Databáze: OpenAIRE