Ethics in Qualitative Research: A View of the Participants' and Researchers' World from a Critical Standpoint

Autor: Dilmi. S. Aluwihare-Samaranayake
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Vol 11 (2012)
ISSN: 1609-4069
Popis: This paper illustrates how certain ethical challenges in qualitative research necessitate sustained attention of two interconnected worlds: the world of the researcher and the world of the participant. A critical view of some of the ethical challenges in the participants’ and researchers’ world reveals that how we examine both these worlds’ effects how we design our research. In addition, it reflects the need for researchers to develop an ethical research vocabulary at the inception of their research life through multiple modes. The modes may include dialogue in the spoken and written and visual to affect their aims to adhere to the principles of respect, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice in a way that is mutually beneficial to the participant and the researcher. Further, the deliberations in this paper reveal that a critical conscious research ethics are embedded in the unfolding research ethics process involving the participants and the researchers, and both the participant and researcher add equal weight to the transparency of the ethical process and add value to building methodological and ethical rigor to the research. Key words: critical social theory, critical consciousness, ethics, researcher, participant, qualitative research
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