The SKA1_Low Telescope: The Station Design and Prototyping

Autor: Tom Booler, J. Bast, Giovanni Comoretto, Andrew Faulkner, Jeremy Baker, M. Jonesv, Denis Cutajar, Monica Alderighi, G. Kaligeridou, Richard A. Bennett, E. de Lera Acedo, Randall B. Wayth, Peter Hall, Pietro Bolli, Andrea DeMarco, K. Zarb Adami, A. Aminei, Jens Abraham, D. Kenney, F. Schlageuhaufer, D. Ung, H. Schnetler, Andrew R. Williams, Marcin Sokolowski, Matt Roberts, Giovanni Naldi, Francesco Schillirò, Alessio Magro, P. Benthem, J. G. Bij de Vaate, Stefan J. Wijnholds, M. Gerbers, T. Colgate, Riccardo Chiello, Adrian Sutinjo, Budi Juswardy, A. Mattana, Simone Rusticelli, Brian Crosse, Federico Perini, Rob Halsall, M. Schiaffino, N. Razavi Ghods, David Emrich, Giuseppe Pupillo, Jader Monari
Přispěvatelé: ITA, GBR, AUS, MLT, NLD
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC).
Popis: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) [1] telescope consists in its first phase of two arrays, a dish array to be constructed in South Africa and a low frequency aperture array to be constructed in Western Australia. The aperture array, SKAI-Low, will consist of 512 stations, each with 256 wide bandwidth log periodic antennas. The frequency range of SKAI-Low is 50 to 350 MHz. The Low Frequency Aperture Array (LFAA) consortium is tasked to design the station, the infrastructure around them and the station signal processing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE