A Postphenomenological Method for HCI Research

Autor: Jesper Aagaard, Mads Møller Jensen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Jensen, M M & Aagaard, J 2018, A Postphenomenological Method for HCI Research . in Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction : OzCHI 2018 . Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 242-251, OzCHI 2018, Melbourne, Australia, 05/12/2018 . https://doi.org/10.1145/3292147.3292170
Popis: This paper presents an analysis of the presence and potential of a postphenomenology as a research method in human-computer interaction (HCI). Specifically, we introduce Rosenberger's method of variational cross-examination; an empirical approach that explores technological mediation through a critical comparison of multiple stabilities of a given technological artifact. With this outset, we revisit and analyze two existing HCI projects, a shape-changing bench and digitized sticky notes, and illustrate how a postphenomenological perspective may supplement these projects. Based on this analysis, we highlight the strengths and benefits of a postphenomenological approach to HCI research. Finally, we propose strategies for applying such an approach in future research.
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