Supplementary Fig. 5 Screening of mixotrophic efficiency by biolog and redox dye assay in P. tricornutum from Investigating mixotrophic metabolism in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Autor: Villanova, Valeria, Fortunato, Antonio Emidio, Dipali Singh, Bo, Davide Dal, Conte, Melissa, Obata, Toshihiro, Jouhet, Juliette, Fernie, Alisdair R., Marechal, Eric, Falciatore, Angela, Pagliardini, Julien, Monnier, Adeline Le, Poolman, Mark, Curien, Gilles, Petroutsos, Dimitris, Finazzi, Giovanni
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5097295.v2
Popis: A. OD750 nm changes (relative to phototrophic growth) of P. tricornutum cells grown for 6 days in BiologTM plates P1 and PM2A that contains 190 carbon compounds (see methods). Each data point represents a different com-pound. B. Growth profile of P. tricornutum on few selected compounds (at 20 mM) and a phototrophic control in 100 mL flasks. C. Areas under the growth curves of Supplementary Fig. 5B normalized to the area of the curve of phototrophic growth.
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