Lens-induced uveitis in a patient with hypermature cataract

Autor: Bogdana Tăbăcaru, Raluca Bievel-Rădulescu, Horia Tudor Stanca
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology
ISSN: 2501-2533
Popis: Objective: Our paper aims to report an unusual case of phacogenic uveitis with secondary glaucoma occurring after spontaneous rupture of the lens capsule in a patient with hypermature age-related cataract, to describe its particularities and to review the classification of the lens-induced uveitis. Methods: We described the case of an 83-year-old male with a history of hypermature cataract, who presented to our clinic for right eye pain. Examination revealed circumciliary congestion, diffuse corneal edema, lens debris floating in the anterior chamber, pseudohypopyon and the opacification of the whole lens. An elevated intraocular pressure was also associated. We did not observe any history of previous intraocular surgery or trauma. Results: We diagnosed the case as a phacogenic uveitis with secondary glaucoma and we planned to remove the inflammation trigger, namely the lens and its fragments by the most adequate technique, in order to control the inflammation and the IOP spikes, to alleviate the pain and to improve the patient’s visual function and the quality of life. Conclusions: Phacogenic uveitis may present a cloudy cornea and a turbid anterior chamber that mimics endophthalmitis. Careful examination, medical history and ancillary investigations are helpful in establishing an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment can reduce or eliminate the inflammation completely, decrease the intraocular pressure, being able to allow, depending on the particularities of the case, the visual gain.
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