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Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for amplification of virulent genes was carried out onSalmonella serovarsisolated. All theSalmonella serovarsisolated and identified contained plasmids which were identified using replicon typing.The plasmids contained genes coding for virulence factors and multiple antibiotic resistance which include: ParcC (480bp), GyrA (251bp), CatA (198bp) were present the latter coded for chloramphenicol resistance. InvA plasmid genes (284bp and 389bp) typical of virulentSalmonella serovarswere identified. Most of the serovars possessed plasmids that contained TetB gene in the 16sRNA region (571bp) coding for tetracycline resistance, SitC gene (578bp) and spvA gene (604bp) were also identified. Sex distribution dynamics of multidrug resistance of differentSalmonella serovarscompared the overall percentage susceptibility of the eight antibiotics used. GEN had the highest % susceptibility of 100% followed by NIT (72.2%) and COT (66.7%) before and after plasmid curing. Differences observed in curing status was insignificant (T = 0.33, P>0.05). The sex distribution ofSalmonellainfected Patients in relation to antibiotic resistance before plasmid curing was determined. The highest number of patients that resisted antibiotic was 18 as observed in AUG where 11 patients were male and 7 were female.More males compared to females showed significant antibiotic resistance before plasmid curing using the Mann whitney test (W = 84.0, P≤0.05 and after plasmid curing.There was no difference between both sexes after plasmid curing using the Mann Whitney test (W = 73.0, P>0.05). |