Endoscopic Injection of the Longus Capiti Muscle in the Treatment of Dystonic Head Flexion

Autor: Lucy A. Hicklin, Marie-Helene Marion
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Mov Disord Clin Pract
ISSN: 2330-1619
DOI: 10.1002/mdc3.12916
Popis: Background Anterocollis posture is a relatively rare finding among patients with cervical dystonia and often the cause of treatment failure. The dystonic posture can be complex to analyze, and the deep flexor muscles of the neck, longus capiti, and longus coli can be challenging to access. Methods We present a modification of a previously described endoscopic technique that allows straightforward access to the longus capiti muscles in an outpatient setting under local anesthetic. Results We describe the technique based on our experience on 6 patients during a 2-year period with a total of 22 injections, and we review the literature. Conclusion The injection is well tolerated and has led to significant improvement in the majority of patients.
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