In vitro studies of Coelomomyces punctatus from Anopheles quadrimaculatus and Cyclops vernalis

Autor: Jessica M. Castillo, Donald W. Roberts
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Biology Faculty Publications
ISSN: 0022-2011
Popis: Attempts to grow mycelium of Coelomomyces punctatus from Anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae were made using more than 50 combinations of known vertebrate and invertebrate tissue culture media and microbiological media. Growth and/or differentiation of mycelium into sporangia were observed in several media. Significant growth of hyphal fragments and differentiation into young resting sporangia occurred in conditioned Mitsuhashi-Maramorosch insect tissue culture medium. This medium was conditioned by growth for 3 weeks in it of Varma's Anopheles stephensi tissue culture cells and was supplemented with 20% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and a synthetic tripeptide, glycyl-histidyl-lysine. Limited growth and elongation of lateral hyphal branches and subsequent development into resting sporangia with typical outer wall markings and pigmentation of mature forms were observed in a modified brain-heart infusion medium. Some media stimulated hyphae to develop into smooth-walled, spherical bodies of size and appearance typical of young sporangium initials but with no further maturity. In most media, no growth or development of mycelium occurred, but the fungus remained alive for 2–4 weeks. Mycelium of C. punctatus dissected from Cyclops vernalis did not grow and develop in any of the media utilized. However, in one case the mycelium differentiated into gametes shortly after dissection into modified brain-heart infusion medium.
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