The centenary of ‘The Old Humanities and the New Science,’ the last public address of Sir William Osler (1849–1919)

Autor: Charles S Bryan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Biography. 27:197-204
ISSN: 1758-1087
Popis: On 16 May 1919, Sir William Osler (1849–1919) gave what would be his last public address, ‘The Old Humanities and the New Science,’ to the Classical Association of which he was president. British educators were locked in a struggle between classics teachers, who wished to preserve their dominance in public schools and universities, and science teachers, who wanted more time in the curriculum. Osler had supported the science teachers’ position three years earlier in his presidential address to the Association of Public School Science Masters. What could he now say to the classicists without making enemies? He gently chided both groups, but he was less concerned that day with the curricular dispute than with the question whether ‘Science … can rule without invoking ruin.’ He averred that ‘there must be a very different civilization or there will be no civilization at all.’ He invoked the Hippocratic ideal of ‘ philanthropia and philotechnia’ (love of humanity and love of science of technology) not just for medicine, but for all of humankind.
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