Congenital portosystemic venous shunt

Autor: Nigel Heaton, Michail Pizanias, M. Papamichail
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: European Journal of Pediatrics
ISSN: 1432-1076
DOI: 10.1007/s00431-017-3058-x
Popis: Congenital portosystemic venous shunts are rare developmental anomalies resulting in diversion of portal flow to the systemic circulation and have been divided into extra- and intrahepatic shunts. They occur during liver and systemic venous vascular embryogenesis and are associated with other congenital abnormalities. They carry a higher risk of benign and malignant liver tumors and, if left untreated, can result in significant medical complications including systemic encephalopathy and pulmonary hypertension. Conclusion: This article reviews the various types of congenital portosystemic shunts and their anatomy, pathogenesis, symptomatology, and timing and options of treatment. What is Known: • The natural history and basic management of this rare congenital anomaly are presented. What is New: • This paper is a comprehensive review; highlights important topics in pathogenesis, clinical symptomatology, and treatment options; and proposes an algorithm in the management of congenital portosystemic shunt disease in order to provide a clear idea to a pediatrician. An effort has been made to emphasize the indications for treatment in the children population and link to the adult group by discussing the consequences of lack of treatment or delayed diagnosis.
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