Inequality, race, and mortality in U.S. cities: A political and econometric review of Deaton and Lubotsky (56:6, 1139–1153, 2003)

Autor: Dean E. Robinson, Michael Ash
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Social Science & Medicine. 68:1909-1913
ISSN: 0277-9536
Popis: Our replication of Deaton and Lubotsky's [(2003). Mortality, inequality and race in American cities and states. Social Science & Medicine, 56.] study "Mortality, Inequality and Race in American Cities and States" identifies a coding error in the econometric analysis in the original paper. Correcting the error changes the basic results of the paper with respect to inequality and mortality in a relevant and substantive way. We also propose an alternative interpretation of the other main result of the paper regarding racial composition and mortality.
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