Opportunities for optimism in contended main-memory multicore transactions

Autor: Liuba Shrira, Eddie Kohler, William Qian, Barbara Liskov, Yihe Huang
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: VLDB Endowment
ISSN: 2150-8097
Popis: Optimistic concurrency control, or OCC, can achieve excellent performance on uncontended workloads for main-memory transactional databases. Contention causes OCC's performance to degrade, however, and recent concurrency control designs, such as hybrid OCC/locking systems and variations on multiversion concurrency control (MVCC), have claimed to outperform the best OCC systems. We evaluate several concurrency control designs under varying contention and varying workloads, including TPCC, and find that implementation choices unrelated to concurrency control may explain much of OCC's previously-reported degradation. When these implementation choices are made sensibly, OCC performance does not collapse on high-contention TPC-C. We also present two optimization techniques, commit-time updates and timestamp splitting , that can dramatically improve the high-contention performance of both OCC and MVCC. Though these techniques are known, we apply them in a new context and highlight their potency: when combined, they lead to performance gains of 3.4X for MVCC and 3.6X for OCC in a TPC-C workload.
Databáze: OpenAIRE