Lupaeus sativae Den Heyer 2013, sp. nov

Autor: Heyer, Jacob den, Ueckermann, Edward A., Khanjani, Mohammad
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4742859
Popis: Lupaeus sativae Den Heyer sp. nov. (Figure 8 A–H) Material examined Holotype female, Medicago sativa (alfalfa), Shabestar, Iran, 10 October 2006, P. Lotfollahi; 1 paratype female, soil, Ahvaz, Chamran University, Iran, 29 September 2002, M.Baharloo. Diagnosis This species also resembles L. martini in having a smooth dorsal punctate propodosomal shield but, differs in that genu I bears three asl, in stead of four in L. martini, genua II–IV each bears one asl opposed to 2- 1-2 in L. martini and tarsus I with three proximal solenidia instead of four in L. martini. Female (Figure 8 A–H) Dimensions and description. Idiosoma: length, 318 (308–327); width, 195(193–196); length hypognathum, 118 (112–123); width hypognathum 91(89–92); lengths palp 71(69–73); chelicera 114(109–119); legs: I 181(173–189), II, 179(177–181), III 170 (166–173), IV 204 (200–208); sensillae vi, 100, sce 89 (85–92). Dorsum (Figure 8 A–C). Smooth dorsal shield carries sensillae pairs vi and sce (Figure 8B, C) as well as ve, sci, c1, c2, d1 and e1; this shield is internally alveolate (Figure 8A). Dorsal integument carries setae pairs f1, f2, h1, h2 as well as lyrifissures im between setae e1 and f1. Integumental striae almost continuous and very finely lobed. One pair of anal setae on the anal valves. Venter (Figure 8D). Coxal shields I and II divided. Coxal shields I and II separated medially. Propodogastral setae occur on posteromedian edge of coxae II. Paracoxal setae almost on median edge of coxae IV. Hysterogastral setae three pairs on integument. Lyrifissures ih laterad to almost median to para-anal setae. Four pairs of g setae occur on striate genital valves; two pairs of genital papillae. A pair of paragenital setae occur laterad to anterior parts of genital valves. Integument provided with finely lobed, almost continuous striae. Gnathosoma (Figure 8 E–H). Typical for genus and well sclerotized. Hypognathum (Figure 8E). Setae hg3 longest of four pairs of hg setae.Papilla and lobes as shown in Figure 8E. Palps (Figure 8F). Palps three-jointed palps with chaetotaxy as follows: trochanter none; femorogenu with six sts; tibiotarsus with five sts, one bulb-shaped apophysis and two pointed process and four sts. Tibiotarsus (Figure 8G) terminates distally into a short claw. Chelicerae (Figure 8H). Joints I and II (proximal two-thirds) are lobed. Legs (Figure 9 A–D). Legs much shorter than body. Most legs ventrally papillate; less so dorsally. Famulus pit distally on tarsus I. Leg chaetotaxy: coxae I–IV 3sts, 1 peg –2 sts,1 ppgs –3 sts –2 sts, 1pcs; trochanters I–IV 1–1–2–1 sts; basifemora I–V 4–6– 3–1 sts; telofemora I–IV 5–5–4–3 sts; genua I–V 2 asl, {1 asl,1sts}, 4 sts –1 asl, 5 sts –1 asl, 5 sts–1 asl,5 sts; tibiae I–IV 2 asl, 5 sts–1 bsl., 5 sts –1 bsl, 5 sts–1T, 4 sts; tarsi I–IV 3 asl, 1 dtsl, 1 fmls, 1 tsl, 20 or 21 sts –1 bsl, 1 dtsl,1 tsl 19 or 20sts –1 tsl,16 or 17 sts –16 sts. Etymology The species name is derived from the plant, Medicago sativa (alfalfa), it inhabited.
Published as part of Heyer, Jacob den, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Khanjani, Mohammad, 2013, Iranian Cunaxidae (Acari: Prostigmata: Bdelloidea). Part III. Subfamily Cunaxoidinae, pp. 2049-2070 in Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) (J. Nat. Hist.) 47 (31 - 32) on pages 2063-2065, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.763060,
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