Metabolic switch induced by Cimicifuga racemosa extract prevents mitochondrial damage and oxidative cell death

Autor: Carsten Culmsee, Malena Rabenau, Jürgen Drewe, Matthias Unger
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Phytomedicine. 52:107-116
ISSN: 0944-7113
Popis: Background Cimicifuga racemosa extract is a well-established therapy for menopausal symptoms. The mechanisms underlying the multiple therapeutic effects of Cimicifuga extract, e.g. reducing hot flushes and profuse sweating are not well defined. Recent studies revealed pronounced effects of Ze 450, a Cimicifuga racemosa extract that was produced by a standardized procedure, on energy metabolism through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in vitro and beneficial anti-diabetic effects in vivo. Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of Ze 450 on energy metabolism. Since mitochondria are the key regulators of cellular energy homeostasis, we wanted to elucidate whether Ze 450 affects mitochondrial resilience and can provide protection against oxidative damage in neuronal and liver cells. Methods/study design In this study, we investigated the effects of Ze 450 (1-200 µg/ml) on mitochondrial integrity and function, and cell viability in models of oxidative stress induced by erastin and RSL-3 in neuronal and liver cells. The effects of Ze 450 in control conditions and after induction of oxidative stress were analyzed using FACS for detecting lipid peroxidation (BODIPY), mitochondrial ROS formation (MitoSOX), mitochondrial membrane potential (TMRE) and cell death (AnnexinV/PI staining). Furthermore, we determined metabolic activity (MTT assay), ATP levels and mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis (oxygen consumption rates, extracellular acidification rates; Seahorse). Results Ze 450 preserved mitochondrial integrity and ATP levels, and prevented mitochondrial ROS formation, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and cell death. Notably, Cimicifuga racemosa extract alone did not alter mitochondrial ROS levels, and subtle inhibitory effects on cell proliferation were reversed after withdrawal of the extract. In addition, Ze 450 did not exert toxic effects to liver cells, but rather protected these from the oxidative challenge. Further analysis of the mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate and the extracellular acidification rate revealed that Ze 450 mediated a switch from mitochondrial respiration to glycolysis, and this metabolic shift was a prerequisite for the protective effects against oxidative damage. Conclusion In conclusion, the bioenergetic shift induced by Ze 450 exerted protective effects in different cell types, and offers promising therapeutic potential in age related diseases involving oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage.
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